"Dinosaur Dust": a novel of the Jurassic Club by Michael Panush

Times have changed for Acheron Island and the world. The decadence of the Jazz Age has given way to the desperation of the Depression, as war looms over the horizon. Acheron Island finds itself divided between a newly aggressive Japanese Empire, the legend-obsessed spies and agents of Nazi Germany and a burgeoning native independence and union movement in the form of the Communist International-backed Acheron Workers Party.  Strikes and spies fill Acheron’s capitol as Victoria City becomes home for a plot that could bring the world to war.

And on the other side of the globe, two men make their way into the thick of the intrigue and bloodshed soon to sweep Acheron. One is Nathan Whipple, a former tourist on Acheron Island turned aspiring pulp novelist. The other is Norris Hall, an ex-Marine, mob enforcer and bank robber. Along with the daughter of a Japanese general and a young Chinese immigrant, they become the only hope for Acheron – and for the world.

The next chapter in the tumultuous history of the modern Lost World starts here – with gangsters, raptor movie stars, Nazi agents, loyal triceratops pets and much more! .