Colters' Legacy Book 2 : Colter's Wife


Colters' Wife is the free short story follow up to Colters' Woman. It's an extended epilogue and gives readers a glimpse into the lives of the Colters after Holly returns home in Colters' Woman. The correct reading order of the series is Colters' Woman, Colters' Wife, Colters' Lady, Colters' Daughter, Colters' Promise and Colters' Gift.

My opinion
The men are being are being celibate for the pregnancy, but she doesn't want that and systematically seduces them one by one, then takes a walk, falls down a slope and ends up having the baby at home with all three men playing mid-wives.The book is on the erotic side with menage so if you are not into that I don't recommend it. Otherwise it was great!

i enjoyed Maya Banks' KGI series and therefore went in search of other books. This (free) short story was different but interesting and I will certainly be getting the other books in this series.