Pretty Dark nothing (2013)

My thanks to NetGalley and Month9books for my review copy of this book.

When demons invade her dreams and tease of her death, Quinn, and Aaron, a boy with amnesia, must find a way to banish the darkness back to the underworld for good. That is, unless the demons kill them first.

Book Summary: It’s been twenty three days since Quinn has slept for more than minutes at a time. Demons have invaded her dreams, stalking her, and teasing of her death. The lack of sleep and crippling fear are ruining her life. Energy drinks and caffeine pills don’t make a dent. When Quinn dozes off in the school hallway, Aaron, an amnesiac with a psychic ability, accidentally enters her nightmare. The demons are determined to keep them apart, and Aaron from discovering the secret locked away in his memory. Together, they could banish the darkness back to the underworld for good. That is, unless the demons kill them first.

My thought
i was drawn to this book because of the creepy paranormal factor, and it didn't disappoint in this regard. At the beginning, we are introduced to Quinn as she attempts to stay awake, something most of us would love not to have to do. My friends and I talk about how we need to have a national naptime. Of course, the human body can't resist sleep forever, and Quinn does fall asleep, and we find out why she doesn't want to sleep. Enter her dark world.i really liked the story. There’s a lot of tension and it’s pretty creepy. The first chapter begins with Quinn trying not to fall asleep, and when she finally does, we understand why she is afraid to dream. It set the stage perfectly for the tone of the book. Everything flows well, and it moves at a decent pace. There were a few issues I had with the book, though. First of all, the ending kind of threw me. I wanted more answers — more why. It felt like it could have been explained better. I also wanted more in terms of character development from Aaron. I really liked him and his story really touched me, but I wanted more of his abilities. I felt like they were kind of glossed over.
On the whole, the best part of this book is the paranormal focus, which we really start getting into midway into the novel. I really enjoyed exploring the dark world that consumes Quinn. By the end, I was engrossed enough into this that I would read a sequel if there were one. (Though I do admit this is partly also because a new twist was added at the end that I wasn't expecting and I feel should have been introduced earlier if this is going to be a standalone.)

I recommend this book if you love a good creepy paranormal book.