Georgetown Academy Book four

A copy was provided by NetGalley and Coliloquy in exchange for my honest review!



When the vice president resigns and Ellie and Taryn’s parents emerge as the frontrunners, the girls find themselves back in the spotlight.

Ellie could not care less about becoming the Second Daughter, but she knows how much the opportunity to make history means to her mother – and women everywhere. With her family taking center stage, Ellie must decide whether she can put her feelings for Gabe on hold – again.

Taryn, so used to captivating the hearts and minds of everyone she meets, is unbothered by the increased media scrutiny. But an inopportune screw-up has her beholden to an unlikely – and unfriendly – source for help.

Overnight, Evan has skyrocketed from social pariah to Miss Popular. As she and her reluctant parents adjust to her new lifestyle, the last thing she needs is a front-page scandal.

Brinley can’t stop thinking about her Stowe-bound hook-up…until her father’s intern, Patrick, starts flirting. Is it time to abandon her fling now that she has a more appropriate suitor? With the second highest office in the land up for grabs, everyone is picking sides. But where does the heart lie when duty, truth, and love collide?

My thought

Georgetown Academy: Book Four is like the icing on the cake. now I'm hooked on Georgetown Academy!  These kids have extraordinary lives that lead to high drama and a great story.  It's been a crazy first month for the kids of Georgetown Academy and I've loved living every minute of it 

Ellie, Brinley, Evan and Taryn, polar opposites in almost every way, have successfully traversed the dangerous waters of high school, political intrigue. Each has grown and become their own person, and are learning to navigate their lives with more control. sure, there were more scandals, more romantic tensions, but there was a light at the end of the tunnel for these girls 

If you’ve read the rest of the series than read book four and if you haven’t started yet, what are you guys waiting for!