Georgetown Academy book two


A copy was provided by NetGalley and Coliloquy in exchange for my honest review!


In the halls of Georgetown Academy, gossip and rumor abound. But when photographic proof shows up on the front page of The Huffington Post? Then it’s a national scandal.

While Ellie tries to put her life back together, Evan just might get everything she’s ever wanted—the perfect boyfriend and her dream career. But her loyalties will be put to the test when it turns out to be the very people she’s closest to who are standing in her way.

Brinley is determined to find out who is behind the photo leak, all while her own dirty secret spirals out of control. And California girl Taryn is sick of being walked all over and ready to start playing by the rules of D.C., for better or for worse.

In a world where reputation and appearances are everything, knowledge is power. But you’ll have to learn how to use it if you want to come out on top.

My thought
The writing in this series is amazing, full of details without being overly wordy.   I have mixed feelings about some of the characters ; Brinley is my least favorite.  She is such a smug, pompous hag that she’s hard to like.  When bad things happen to her, I’m usually not too upset about it.  I want to see her hit rock bottom, just to see if she has the mettle to drag herself back up again.  Evan is my favorite of the four, because her humble background is closer to mine.  She is caught up in a charade, pretending to be the girlfriend of Luke, her best friend, who is terrified that his big secret will crawl out of the closet and destroy his father’s career.  Luke needs to grow a backbone and be honest about his sexuality, instead of lassoing Evan into a masquerade that is destroying any chance of her catching the boy of her dreams.  It’s unfair of Luke, and it’s unfair of his family to expect her blindly go along with their plans for their political security.
Reading this series is much like watching a television episode since each installment, everything is paced perfectly.