Welcome to Nowhere...
Thus begins the ultimate urban myth which unfold in the pages of y; a satirical romp through the labyrinth of New York City chasing a mischievous band of dreamers into the mystical mountains upon the Hudson.
Follow along as the mostly bored and wholly gullible freelance journalist James Campion discovers the exploits of y, as they lay bare the age of celebrity, media manipulation and artistic hubris.
It is a hilariously ridiculous, fantastical, uproarious ride along paths never before traveled, hearing words never before spoke and ideas never dared revealed.
Yy challenges readers to maintain balance on the high-wire, where the fragile line between creativity and insanity stretches across a generation, a city, and a furious duel that asks; what is art and who decides?
Outlandish characters, absurd scenarios and one bizarre ending underline y’s boldest proclamation; “This is not a story...this is y.”
My thought
What do a dancing blue jester, a club-wielding Russian brute, a lead-footed blonde cutie, a British ape man, an onerous band of bearded dwarves, a bag lady prophet, marching mimes with television heads, religious fanatics, ghosts of famous 19th century authors, an apparition of Alice in Wonderland, a preachy television clown, and the entire New York City press corps have in common? All of them merrily encounter the painfully bored and willingly curious freelance journalist, James Campion, whose miserable career of exploiting shady rejects from the age of celebrity renders him playful fodder for the wild gaggle of pop culture marauders; y. With a wink to the rich tradition of Lewis Carroll, Roald Dahl and Frank L. Baum, this satire is both an attack on the medias powerfully calculating voice and a skewering of fickle public opinion; a tale of not-so subtle deception by insanely fabricated characters to present dangerous themes in a comedic form, while also masquerading as utter nonsense.