Book Review and Giveaway : Melancholic Delight

Melancholic Delight by Tista Ray
Genre: Romance or YA 
Publisher: Smriti Publishers 
Rating : 3,5 stars

Book blurb:
There’s no love like the first love. There’s no feeling like the desperation to attain true love. Love or lust matters not when two eyes meet, uniting the souls at once’
It’s this love which frees Sri from the reign of darkness and makes her heart rise to lofty heights of anticipated passion with no one to pull her back to reality. It’s Jishu, who appears as the first ray of hope in her overshadowed life and showers her with the ultimate sense of freedom, which she has been craving for. He fills her life with the long awaited perfection. To a flawed person he appears as the flawless. He becomes one among her most perfect acquaintances, but is he really as unblemished as he appears to be. If so, can a flawed person risk a life with the flawless? Do opposites really attract each other or it deviate them from their normal avenues of life?
It’s a deeply compelling love affair which takes the readers back to their childhood memories and brings back to them the essence of true love.
The changing relations of a man’s life add force to the much ordinary teenage passion. The book is not just about love. It’s about a journey called life which either ends in melancholy or in delight.

My thought
This copy of Melancholic Delight  was given to me by Tista Ray the author in exchange for a honest review.In its present form, this book is a one time short novella to be enjoyed once over its short stay of 40 pages.The cover page is colorful and shades of nature are beautiful.Tista has played with words lovingly and interestingly and thus creates a treat for the readers. This novela tells love. Love has its effects on Sri and she gets blinded by it all. It’s a deeply compelling love affair which takes the readers back to their childhood memories and brings back to them the essence of true love.
There is talent in the writing, but it needs to be polished and groomed more in the future for better results. 

About Tista Ray
Tista Ray, a near 18 years authoress penned her debut novella ‘Melancholic Delight’ and have got published in January 2013. She’s an Indian by birth. She’s actively involved in writing newspaper articles and is keen in making a difference to this world. She's also giving her book's 50% sale proceeds to charity( to an orphanage in India).


Tista will be giving away 2 copies of her ebook ‘Melancholic Delight’.

Formats Available: Epub ; and also PDF version (if anyone is willing to take it).

Twitter: @tista_ray
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