Review : 14 by Peter Clines

Title: 14
Author : Peter Clines
Format: Kindle Edition, 350 pages
Published : June 5th 2012 by Permuted Press (first published May 7th 2012)
Reading level : adult
Genre : Scifi,YA,thriller, horror
Rating : 4 stars

Padlocked doors. Strange light fixtures. Mutant cockroaches.

There are some odd things about Nate’s new apartment.

Of course, he has other things on his mind. He hates his job. He has no money in the bank. No girlfriend. No plans for the future. So while his new home isn’t perfect, it’s livable. The rent is low, the property managers are friendly, and the odd little mysteries don’t nag at him too much.

At least, not until he meets Mandy, his neighbor across the hall, and notices something unusual about her apartment. And Xela’s apartment. And Tim’s. And Veek’s.

Because every room in this old Los Angeles brownstone has a mystery or two. Mysteries that stretch back over a hundred years. Some of them are in plain sight. Some are behind locked doors. And all together these mysteries could mean the end of Nate and his friends.

Or the end of everything...(Goodreads)

My thought
This book really gets you going into a adventure that you want so badly to be real. The mystery is there, the suspense is there.
The characters are interesting, a good array of personalities like you might find in an Agatha Christie mystery, and the lead character is very likeable. The banter between those in the book is quick and funny, and if you can operate with the willing suspension of disbelief, you may enjoy this.
Seriously, this book is amazing. I couldn't stop turning the page, and had to stay up to finish it. The horror comes in especially in the final third. The mystery elements really drive the first third and keeps you interested.
Not only do you follow the characters on their journey to discover the secrets of their home, but also on their journey of building new friendships and relationships. So much so that you feel as though you're a tenant as well, you know and trust them so much, and you want to know the building's secrets just as much as they do. As for the plot, well I cant say too much without spoilers. It is very much like a LOST type of story, with very unexpected happenings, but unlike LOST this book has an awesome ending!
I'd recommend this to anyone. Worth A read