Review : Bliss (The Bliss Bakery Trilogy 1)

Title : Bliss
Series: the bliss trilogy 1
Author : Kathryn littlewood
Publisher: Harper Collins pub
Reading level : children
Rating 3 stars

Follows 11-year-old Rose Bliss and the chaotic impact that magical recipes from her family’s secret cookery book have on the town of Calamity Falls.

My thought
394 pages took me 1 day to read
The character I most enjoyed was the main character Rose. Her parents own a magical bakery that has crazy recipes that you have to make with a strike of lightning or the sleeping dwarf has to whisper the secret of time in the cookie dough, but nobody knows magic is used in the recipes. Her parents have to leave the bakery to help the mayor the the town make a spiecal recipes to cure the swine flu so Rose is left incharge she not allowed to make magical recipes only oringal ones that we make every day. She all so has to babysit her little sister an brother and her older brother is not much of a help he will not work in the bakery with Rose.

Point of view: The main character narrated the story which was Rose. I like it when one of the characters in the book narrates the story better than someone else. When it swiches narraraters I get confused at who is telling the story. When Rose would narrate the story she would give really good details like what the charaecter looked like. Then you could just imagine what they looked like easier then just saying it's a boy or it's a girl.

The thing that most surprised me about a character was Rose's older brother. He never helped out at the bakery and just thought it was really dumd to work there. When their parents left I didn't think he was going to help at all. But he started helping and thought it was way cool to use the magic and everything. He's the character that surprised my the most.I loved the story's setting, culinary magic, and certain areas of humor, but the writing wasn't strong enough to highlight these aspects to their full potential. Without going into too much detail (I forget that sometimes other people read these things), I also thought that there were some issues with pacing,"showing," and Rose's insecurities that made it hard for me to get through.
I'm really glad I read this book. I really loved the beginning and the end, although the middle wasn't as interesting. I really like it though, and judging by the way it ended, there is going to be a sequel. I always love books with cooking or baking in them, and this one made me hungry :).

I love how they put magic into the recipes and the mystery, and how she made the mystery so realistic.