Review : Ripped

Publisher: New Book Partners
Release Date: December 1, 2012
Format: Kindle edition, 520 pages
Genre: YA, Indie, Thriller, Time-Travel
Rating: ★★★

Katie Lennox wishes her parents were still alive. Having to leave Boston to live with Grandma Cleaves in London was hard, but she's making new friends, working on her British accent and even learning some Cockney rhyming slang. London's cool and actually feels like home in some ways, like she's been here before, belongs here. When a museum visit with her cousin and his cute friend turns funky, Katie finds herself in a long, uncomfortable dress, wearing a ridiculous hat, wondering what happened to her jeans and high-top sneakers? And where's her iPhone?... It's London, 1888. Smart and gutsy, Katie knows she's here to stop Jack the Ripper. The serial killer didn't just slash his victims' throats; he butchered the women. Katie has read about the Ripper, knows the names of his victims and where and when they were killed. She's watched her fair share of CSI. Can Katie save their lives?

My thought
I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised with this book. I don't know what exactly I was expecting, but for some reason I wasn't expecting it to be so good that I devoured this book in very little time.
I practically read it all at once, and it's 500 pages. It's a story about a teenager who goes back in time and tries to capture Jack The Ripper, a serial killer who murdered women in 1888 in London.
"Time travel" worked really well in this book and I got to learn about Victorian England and how the poor and rich "toffs" lived.
I loved this book! And I loved the illustrations, all 60 of them!
This story is very detailed and historically accurate when it comes to the facts about Jack The Ripper - someone definitely did their research and stayed true to history where it mattered. Seeing a book that is 500+ pages long about history and time travel may seem daunting but the intrigue in the mystery of this book definitely sets the pace and you'll be through it before you know it.
Worth a read