Review :Scapemaker

Title: Scapemaker
Author: Steve Cypert
Published: November 19th, 2012
Word Count: 122,000
Genre: YA Paranormal Urban Fantasy
Rating: 3 stars
Content Warning: Minor fantasy/paranormal violence, some of which may be a little graphic for younger readers.

The limit between consciousness and subconsciousness is very thin. All we have to do is fall asleep to cross over. But a dreamscaper -- well, he doesn't have to do anything. He rules both worlds.
Matthew is the son of Mr. Nicholas Namely, a local high school teacher. But unbeknownst to Matthew, his father is a dreamscaper whose classroom is connected to the dream-world. From his classroom, his students enter the halls of Scapemaker, a dream-world high school for young dreamscapers.

Following a couple of heartfelt tragic events, Matthew is compelled to investigate the unbelievable mysteries surrounding those events and is propelled into a whole new world. Matthew and his mother, Mae, are soon coerced into moving across the country for his father's strange medical needs. While attending his new school, Matthew comes to know the secrets that Daedree, an annoying girl from his former high school, has locked away. Matthew also meets Amber, a beautiful enigmatic girl who leads him to Mr. Xoner's classroom. While there, he learns the art of dreamscaping (which has been in the Namely bloodline for thousands of years).

Matthew will come to know of Nox Celare, otherwise known as The Sandman, who is after a special element called Magineum. Neck deep in skinwalkers, sandsleepers, zombies, soul feeders, ghosts, dream-world criminals known as “night terrors” and more, Matthew learns he is in over his head. Matthew must not only solve the mysteries surrounding those tragic events, but he will also have to protect the Magineum with his life and find a way to be with the one girl of his dreams. Filled with secrecy, mystery and a forbidden tangle of young love, this new life will lead Matthew to unbelievable characters with the most extraordinary abilities he could never have imagined.

My thought
I was given a copy of this book by the author in return for an honest review. I wasn’t sure if I would actually be able to go through the entire book (initially). The first couple of chapters were a little slow paced for my liking.This is a book that, once you pick up, you wont want to put down.

Scapemaker is an enjoyable read. There are lots of twists and plenty of suspense and Scapemaker is a page-turner. I was willing to root for and follow Matthew through his adventure, however my attention faltered several times when the story focused on one of the secondary characters. And, for whatever reason, I just never felt a real connection to most of them.

I was overwhelmed with all the information that was given in the first few chapters. The strained relationship, the accident, another tragic event, the move, and then all the characteristics of what dreamscaping was about. A lot to take in. Things got better once Matthew settled and found a group of friends he could count on. I admire his determination to help his father, regardless of everything he kept from him.

I hope (for your sake) that you give it a try, if you haven’t already!