Review : A Match Made in High School

"You can't hurry love, you just have to wait. Love don't come easy, it's a game of give and take"

Title: A Match Made in High School
Author: Kristin Walker
Series: Standalone
Original Release Date: February 4, 2010
Publisher: Razorbill
Format: Paperback
Rating: 4 STARS

That is what the school pamphlet explaining about the program said on it.

Trying the Knot is a new program in East Columbus High School, requiring the senior students to be paired up and get "fake married". The principal is making the students try this program because of a new problem which is affecting their society, 1 in every 2 marriages is ending in a divorce. What's worse is in order to graduate from the school you must pass this course. So, our main character in this story, Fiona Sheehan (who has a crush on Gabe Webber, her childhood not-so-close friend) gets paired up with the schools most popular football player, Todd Harding, Fiona's bff, Marcie gets paired up with a giant a.k.a Johnny Mercer, and Todd's girlfriend- Amanda Lowell, the schools most popular cheerleader gets paired up with Gabe Webber. Fiona and Amanda have been arch enemies since childhood, so Amanda is not too happy with Fiona being paired up with her boyfriend.Because of their hate for one another Todd will go out of his way to make Fiona's life hell, but Fiona is a competitive one. They play several pranks on one another, at school which cause them to get into trouble. But, along the way Fiona and Todd begin to change their perspectives of one another, and secrets between Marcie and Fiona begin to unfold, leaving Fiona to wonder if Gabe really is the guy for her. And what's up with Jhonny Mercer? Could this marriage-ed course be having an affect on him and his personal feelings?

My thought
Why couldn't my high school be as fun as this? I would have loved to have participated in such an event, because the fun these kids had left me laughing until my sides hurt. I wish high school had been as fun as this, or else I would never have been in such a hurry to leave.

When Fiona and the entire senior class have to participate in a marriage ed program that pairs off the boys and girls, and forces them to live a pseudo-marriage life some interesting things start to take place. Pranks are everywhere and hurtful truths and lies are revealed. And the most unexpected people turn out to be some of the best.

At first I was sympathetic with Fiona, but as the novel started to develop I realized just how annoyed I was with her and her friend Marcie. I just wanted to hit them. I mean, I understand they are young but their behavior made me feel like I'm reading a book about middle schoolers instead of high school. The only thing that reminded me they were in high school was the idea of graduation. I don't think any of them talked about college or what they wanted to do later on. And just the way they acted, it was like, your really in high school? Really?

But I did like the character development. I liked how Walker showed a different side to Todd and Amanda near the end. And, of course, the cute guys always have a darker side to them, so I liked how Walker presented that.

Walker did a good job in showing how self-centered Fiona is, but she also should some growth, which I'm happy about.

Granted, I personally can't talk about the 'good ol' days when I was a kid' because honestly, I'm barely out of high school myself, so I can still remember the crazy feelings and just how...unstable life can feel. The madness was expressed well throughout the book.

A MATCH MADE IN HIGH SCHOOL is an absolute treat. Fiona is a believable and appealing character, gifted with a tremendous sense of irony and a talent for self-deprecation. Her banter (particularly with arch-enemy/fake hubbie Todd) is laugh-out-loud funny. The cast is treated with respect; no one is stereotyped, and many deliver surprising personality aspects. Even Fiona’s parents are portrayed as three-dimensional characters who are witty, funny and passionate. The plot is nicely paced, with several well-played and unexpected twists. Even though this is a light and hilarious read, there is also real substance to the story as Fiona discovers truths about boys, friendship, love and, most importantly, herself.

I could not stop laughing and, when I should have been studying, I was finish reading this book in one sitting and I wish it hadn't ended. Walker is one of my new favorite authors now. She is hilarious and I can't wait to read more of her work!

If you’re looking for a light contemporary read, than I would definitely recommend A Match Made In High School - it’s full of humor and has a unique plot. One that I haven’t seen before, which was really refreshing. There’s definitely a side note of romance in this story - it’s not the main plot, but it’s worth mentioning.

Reading level
Many lessons are taught in this book to help teens in high school. Not only that but it is also hilarious. It should be recommended to teens only, because this book is all about teens and the problems they are facing in their everyday lives, including the solutions to them. It has inappropriate language so it won't be appropriate for younger readers.

So, this book should be given out 4 of 5 stars.