Review : Cresent City Fae Series book 1 ; Influential Magic

About the book
Format : kindle Edition 318 pages
Published March 6th 2013 by Bayou Moon Press (first published February 28th 2013)
series: Cresent City Fae
Genre : YA, Paranormal
Rating : 4 stars

It’s tough being a faery in New Orleans, a city fraught with vampires… especially when their very existence drains your life-force.

Willow Rhoswen, owner of The Fated Cupcake and part-time vampire hunter for the Void is having a rough week. Four years after her twin brother’s mysterious death, Willow’s life is threatened and the director saddles her with a new partner—her ex-boyfriend, David. To her horror, he’s turned vamp, which causes her physical pain whenever she touches him… and any other specimen of the undead.

In order to save Willow’s life, David agrees to turn double agent against the most powerful vampire organization in New Orleans. Or so he says. And she’s convinced they know something about her brother’s death. Unsure where David’s loyalties lie, she turns to Talisen, her childhood crush, to help her solve the mystery.

Caught between two gorgeous men and a director who’ll stop at nothing to control Willow’s gifts, she’ll have to follow her instincts and learn who to trust. Otherwise, she risks losing more than just her life.(Goodreads)

My thought
Influential magic is quite the roller coaster ride; Willow constantly being torn between her feelings for David and Talisen, the shocking secrets that are revealed one after another, at least five or more near death experiences, a dog with anger management problems when it comes to vampires, vampires with total lack of respect of life, manipulating and influencing all the world
The well-paced plot keeps you turning pages into the wee hours of the night and offers up characters you will really come to love. Influential Magic completely intrigued me. I was sucked in from the very beginning and stayed riveted to the pages to the end. Deanna Chase provided a magical adventure with plot twists and turns that will delight all. This is an excellent beginning to what is sure to be a fantastic new series to follow.