Review : Mother's curse

Publisher:Mountain Pass Publishing LLC
Release date:February 14, 2012
language : english
Pages:280 pages
Format: kindle Edition
Rating : 4 stars of 5

Heirs of Cothel Series, Book 1 Sword Woman, Princess, ... Cursed Witch Tradition holds that a mother who commits a mortal sin against the gods will be cursed with a daughter born a witch. Stephenie, the youngest princess of Cothel is just such a curse. Hostage to her mother's will while her father and older brother fight a war two countries away, Stephenie must overcome her mother's plots if she is to save her father, brother, and the many soldiers she trained with. Fearful of her mother's growing traitorous behavior, Stephenie must escape Antar Castle. But to do so, she might have to rely upon her hidden powers, risking others discovering she is a witch...a risk that would most certainly result in her death by burning. With the help of a select group of soldiers and an unexpected ally, she just might survive.

My thought
This is a story of a young woman growing into adulthood and her responsibilities to her family and country. Her unique skills aid her on this journey while also forcing her to question herself, her beliefs and the culture in which she lives. Along the way she meets some colorful companions and learns how to be a bit more pragmatic about her situation.
I have to be honest though I didn't expect it would be that good. The first few pages of reading I kept over analyzing it and looking for issues with it. Then it captivated me and I couldn't put it down. Is it Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings? However it was a good read and I felt an emotional attachment to the characters.
My problem was the author's vocabulary choice in places. I was so surprised into the princesses language that used modern slangs.

This book will give a great story that will leave you wanting more

About the Author
Thaddeus has always been interested in fantasy and science fiction. Early on, when just starting high school, his avid reading grew into a desire to write. A desire which has turned into a life long pursuit. When not reading or writing, he enjoys hiking in the mountains, landscape photography, and spending time with an overly intelligent, but wonderful horse. He has degrees in Chemistry, Computer Information Systems, and Business Management and has held a handful of jobs: some in retail, some in healthcare, but primarily in the technology fields. Thaddeus currently lives in Kansas with his wife and horse, but wishes there were more mountains visible on the horizon.