Review : Walk Me Home

  • Random House UK, Transworld Publishers
    Format : kindle edition
    Pub Date: Jul 18 2013  
    Reading level : YA Teens
    Rating : 4 stars

Book Blurb 

Since their mother’s sudden death, sixteen-year-old Carly and her eleven-year-old sister, Jen, have been walking and hitchhiking across the Southwest trying to find Teddy, the closest thing they have to a family. Carly desperately hopes Teddy will take them in and save them from going into foster care—and forgive them for the lies told by their mother.

But when the starving girls get caught stealing food on a Native American reservation, their journey gets put on hold. While the girls work off their debt, Carly becomes determined to travel onward—until Jen confesses a terrible secret that leaves both sisters wondering if they can ever trust again.

Set against the backdrop of the American Southwest, Walk Me Home and its resilient heroines will inspire readers and renew their faith in recovery and redemption.

My thought
It's the story of two sisters, Carly and Jen, who are walking away from the unknown, into the unknown. The author, Catherine Ryan Hyde, doesn't let you know immediately what has gone on in the girls' lives to force them onto the road. Eventually, you learn the story. Catherine Ryan Hyde has done it again. Another heartbreaking and touching story of a troubled and confused teen trying to leave behind a tough childhood to become an adult that she can be proud of.So, does Carly eventually find Teddy?
Your heart will break for Jen and Carly. At the end of the book, your heart will rejoice, because they will have found their true Home.And after the end of the book has been reached, I suggest that the reader re-reads it from the beginning, paying very special care to some of the things Jen says.

Thought provoking story. Great characters and plot. Struggles of a young girl dealing with life`s obstacles. Well written. Definitely recommend this book.

About the Author

Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author and co-author of nineteen books, including When I Found You, Second Hand Heart, and Don’t Let Me Go. Her novel Pay It Forward was included on the ALA’s Best Books for Young Adults list, translated into twenty-three foreign editions, and turned into a major Warner Brothers motion picture. Her short stories have received honorable mentions in the Raymond Carver Short Story Contest, nominations for Pushcart Prizes and the O. Henry Award, and citations in the Best American Short Storiesanthologies. Along with Anne R. Allen, she recently co-authored How To Be A Writer In The E-Age…And Keep Your E-Sanity. An avid traveler and amateur photographer, she has hiked the Grand Canyon, the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, and many more of the world’s most beautiful places. She currently resides in Cambria, California.