Review : Daughter's Justice

Publisher:Mountain Pass Publishing LLC
Release date:March 15,2013
Language : English
Pages:312 pages
Format : kindle edition
Rating: 4 stars

Revealed to be a witch, will she survive? The faithful followers of Felis and the other gods are demanding that Stephenie burn to prevent the spread of the demon god’s evil. However, another voice is rising up, declaring that she has already been cleansed of Elrin’s influence and that she is chosen by the gods; it is a claim Stephenie detests. To make matters worse, her brother, who by rights of succession is now King, lacks the funds to pay his soldiers and keep control of Cothel. Their mother, having fled to Kynto with the treasury and war supplies, has some of the dukes and many of the barons demanding more control of the country in exchange for their support. Can Stephenie avoid the fires of the followers of Felis and the people she once called friend or will their claims of righteous anger overwhelm her support? Even if she avoids burning alive, will her presence simply be the catalyst that plunges Cothel into a civil war?

About the Author
Thaddeus has always been interested in fantasy and science fiction. Early on, when just starting high school, his avid reading grew into a desire to write. A desire which has turned into a life long pursuit. When not reading or writing, he enjoys hiking in the mountains, landscape photography, and spending time with an overly intelligent, but wonderful horse. He has degrees in Chemistry, Computer Information Systems, and Business Management and has held a handful of jobs: some in retail, some in healthcare, but primarily in the technology fields. Thaddeus currently lives in Kansas with his wife and horse, but wishes there were more mountains visible on the horizon.